Life, the universe, and everquest.

or why i'm not doing what i'm supposed to be doing...

Friday, October 29, 2004

Skinny Puppy Concert in Orlando

Well, I finally got to Skinny Puppy live! After missing the 1992 last rights tour, the last time I was aware they were in Orlando, I feared I would never get to see them. But alas, with their latest album "The greater wrong of the right" came a new tour. To say the least, I was not dissapointed. They seemed to have a great handle on what their fans wanted to hear and the concert was essentially the best of all their albums live.

They opened up with Downsizer off GWOTR. Ogre (or ohgr, whatever he's calling himself now) was nowhere in site, and singing off stage. Then they went into I'mmortal and ogre stomped onto stage in what appeared to be an Egyptian Jackal looking costume made out of gauze and burlap straps. It was a somewhat bloody color and was mostly full body. The mask was the coolest part of the costume, it had long pointy jackal like ears and a long snout that extended downward and past his neck far enough so he was able to fit a microphone underneath it. The mask was expressionless and mummylike. I wish I had some pictures of the costume, it was really interesting. The last new song was Pro-test.

SP then played some older stuff including VXGasAttack, Vivisectvi, hexxonexonex, Warlock, Tin omen etc... VXgasattack and hexxonexxonex in particular have always been very political songs, which you would think would have lost their relevance, however the new war in Iraq with the new President Bush has lent some new life to these songs. There was one theatric they did on stage, I think for hexonexxonex where two Al Qaeda like terrorists come on stage dressed in black with black masks. They act out a violent decapatation of ogre which ends with him limp on the ground. He then stands back up and unravels their turbans to reveal two guys in Bush and Cheyne outfits and they start shrugging and laughing at everyone. That went over real well with the crowd, it was quite humorous.

They did two encores one of which Convulsion off Too dark park and the other was The Choke. The Choke was missing most of its sound bites and wasn't really done that well. Most notably it was missing the delayed/repeated screaming thats present in the original version of the song. The good news is that a friend of mine who was at the Tampa show said the encores were different for his show, so they are making an attempt to mix it up at that level anyhow.

My favorite song live was probably Warlock. They had blue lights shining everywhere during the part which mentions them and the song was dead on. One of my favorite songs off the albums is vivisectvi, but the guitarist/bassist was an assclown and obviously didn't know the bassline for the song. During the real quiet times where they usually break out the bass lines the bass was silent or fudged. This was obviously because they had to hire a guitarist to tour with as Cevin was playing drums full time on this tour.

Overall a great experience I will never forget. I hope they continue to produce albums and tour, I would like to see them at least one more time. Afterall, I got the tatoo...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Unfortunately, not everyone has a large penis...

Over the weekend, our IT department has implemented a new spam filter. I'm a big proponent of spam filters, but the filter itself is spamming me now! Am I supposed to feel better about the spam coming from a friendly face such as "Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam" rather then Blackrice and ClintonFritz69? I'm getting more spam then ever, and the worst part is I actually have to read the emails to make sure I'm not missing anything important. Formerly I had given up on the spam filter and setup a complex system of rules deleting anything with the words "Viagra, Penis, Valium or Cheeaapp Softwarez." This worked pretty good for me. I probably won't be happy with any spam filters IT decides to implement. Though at home, SpamPal is the bomb. Here is an excerpt of the email I received this morning, courtesy of Brightmail:

Best subject: nazism Eat less,starve yourself,give up

Best body: Unfortunately ...
not everyone has a large penis, however, we do have a solution! You can gain at least 3 inches by using this product. You will see results, guranteed!
Simply follow this link for ordering details.

Worst subject: hi

Fun stuff. Some interesting tid bits from the weekend later maybe.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Fidel Castro Falls!

Possibly breaking leg.

Damn. Just when I thought I'd be able to buy cuban cigars...

CNN News Article

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I bless the rains down in africa... I bless the rains down in africcccaaaaaaa!

The worst thing happened to me last night. I'm sitting in front of my computer in my boxers and a muscle shirt, playing Everquest, jamming to some 80s music. Theres a knock at the door. My wife was expecting company, but was in the shower, so I went to answer the door. Toto "Africa" comes on the radio, and its really loud, but I don't have time to switch it out. The knocks at the door continue, and I hurry down the hallway in my scivvies. I open the door without hesitation to find three young neighborhood black girls selling candy for their school. I was so embarassed that I had to buy some.

This would have been helpful in my situation... Posted by Hello

Everquest 2 and high end raiding zones

I like raiding. Not 24x7, but most of the time when I play, I'd like to be part of a challenging and interesting raid. Raiding the same target 100 times is really not too appealing to me. In walks Everquest 2, which unveiled the high end raiding zones in Computer Gaming World this month. The high end raiding zones are (drum roll please): Everfrost, Lavastorm, Permafrost and Solusek! Wow, this all sounds familiar - kinda like the original plans for Everquest 1. In fact, Permafrost and Solusek were technically the high end raiding zones of the original expansion (before fear, hate and air). Five years ago, there I was killing Lady Vox and Lord Nagafen and in 3-6 months time I'll have the privledge of doing that again if I choose. While the nostalga value is high, I wish they had gone for some originality. I'm not sure high end raiding guilds are going to be interested in accomplishing the goals of the original EQ again.

Friday, October 15, 2004

The Shin Lord still sucks

I finally broke down and started my epic 1.0. With 100+ people vying for epics in my guild, we decided to help the furthest along first. Which means, having not started anything, I'm at the bottom of the listl.

First stop, upper guk to camp the Shin Lord. This camp was very easy to get to (if you have a map) with little to no aggro. Especially considering I had the benefit of invising with my pet. All mobs were green to 68 and I suspect green to even level 50s. So I sat my ass in the middle of the floor, parked my pet there, and came back to the computer every 15 minutes. From a "hands off" standpoint, this is a really good camp. It really requires absolutely NO attention. However, 14 hours later, I was left but nothing but a pack of silver plated bracers and rusty long swords (WTF he can't even drop fine steel?). The Ghoul Bane is a really rare drop off an uncommon mob. If you have patience, or can't pay much attention to your camp, this is the path you want to take. However, be prepared for it to possibly take days.

Come 11 O'Clock the Shin Lord spawns with another sword - this one LOOKS different! OMG its GB this time! Single shotted him with a lifetap and low and behold, its a rusty bastard sword! SOB! So I broke down and started the Ghoulbane quest.

The Ghoulbane Quest is fun so far. I get to go to 4 different areas, some of which I haven't been to in years. Best of all, the drops are only uncommon, not incredibly rare off a rare/uncommon mob. So after about an hour, I had the hilt of nobility from Najena. It feels really good to know I've completed 25% of the ghoulbane. In contrast after spending 14 hours in guk, I was no closer to my goal. I highly reccomend the quest.

Why is the Ghoulbane so rare you ask? I figured it out last night in a moment of "drunken wisdom", only I wasn't drunk just tired, and I've never been known to be wise:

You told Mystarwina, 'I figured it out tho... the shin lord leaves his blade in his truck. he knows he's not gonna be at the bar long cause all they serve is shampoo (as evidenced by the stupid looking bottles on shelf) then the paladin steals it and gives it as quest reward'

Donnie Darko Director's Cut

I was really excited when I heard early on this year that Richard Kelly was re-releasing Donnie Darko as a Director's cut. My excitement waned a little when I learned I would have to go to the theatre to see it, but I was excited nonetheless. When I learned it wouldn't be playing anywhere near me, I was pretty dissapointed. I'm gonna take a moment to blame Michael Moore, whose immensly popular Farenheit 9/11 clogged all the independent movie venues and probably prevented the new Darko from making a stint here.

Oh well, heres hoping it get released on DVD sooner then later. So far, I've been unable to find anything in the way of release dates.

Donnie Darko on a Mountain Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Badger Badger Badger Badger....

One questions comes to mind - Why?


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Can't stop the rock!

I attended the Orlando Pixies concert on October 10th 2004. Having been a fan for only 10 years, this was my first oppourtunity to see them. The Pixies performance was everything I thought it would be and more. So were the dancing moves of the girls in seats F5 and F6 and the antics of the fuckheads in seats D1-D3 who felt it necessary to stand at the beggining of every song for 30 seconds proclaiming each song their favorite! Next time your at a concert, I implore you to look around and see that you are the only 5 shitheads who have left your seat. Know that when you purchase SEATS in the BALCONY area you are more interested in WATCHING the concert then dancing, moshing, jumping up in the air or trying in vain to let Frank Black know that "Caribou" is your favorite song of ALL TIME! Look, I like reindeer as much as the next person, but there comes a time when you should sit down and save your furry fantasies for Christmas.


Monday, October 11, 2004

Sorry OhGr

I stole your blogspot address. Guess you hadn't updated in awhile. Maybe now I'll see some traffic!

The bathroom is flooded again...

The bathroom has flooded yet again. For those not "in the know", the normal height urinal systematically floods the bathroom when flushed. This leaves me with the choice of using the "midget urinal" and peeing on my shoe, or using one of the germ infested stalls. Today facilities thought they would be cute and put a "Happy Birthday" sign complete with baloons which reads "Out of order" on the urinal. In a few hours, the plumber will arrive, fiddle with the urinal for 5 minutes and declare it fixed. Next week, the process will repeat. This has been going on for over a year.