Life, the universe, and everquest.

or why i'm not doing what i'm supposed to be doing...

Friday, October 15, 2004

The Shin Lord still sucks

I finally broke down and started my epic 1.0. With 100+ people vying for epics in my guild, we decided to help the furthest along first. Which means, having not started anything, I'm at the bottom of the listl.

First stop, upper guk to camp the Shin Lord. This camp was very easy to get to (if you have a map) with little to no aggro. Especially considering I had the benefit of invising with my pet. All mobs were green to 68 and I suspect green to even level 50s. So I sat my ass in the middle of the floor, parked my pet there, and came back to the computer every 15 minutes. From a "hands off" standpoint, this is a really good camp. It really requires absolutely NO attention. However, 14 hours later, I was left but nothing but a pack of silver plated bracers and rusty long swords (WTF he can't even drop fine steel?). The Ghoul Bane is a really rare drop off an uncommon mob. If you have patience, or can't pay much attention to your camp, this is the path you want to take. However, be prepared for it to possibly take days.

Come 11 O'Clock the Shin Lord spawns with another sword - this one LOOKS different! OMG its GB this time! Single shotted him with a lifetap and low and behold, its a rusty bastard sword! SOB! So I broke down and started the Ghoulbane quest.

The Ghoulbane Quest is fun so far. I get to go to 4 different areas, some of which I haven't been to in years. Best of all, the drops are only uncommon, not incredibly rare off a rare/uncommon mob. So after about an hour, I had the hilt of nobility from Najena. It feels really good to know I've completed 25% of the ghoulbane. In contrast after spending 14 hours in guk, I was no closer to my goal. I highly reccomend the quest.

Why is the Ghoulbane so rare you ask? I figured it out last night in a moment of "drunken wisdom", only I wasn't drunk just tired, and I've never been known to be wise:

You told Mystarwina, 'I figured it out tho... the shin lord leaves his blade in his truck. he knows he's not gonna be at the bar long cause all they serve is shampoo (as evidenced by the stupid looking bottles on shelf) then the paladin steals it and gives it as quest reward'


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