Life, the universe, and everquest.

or why i'm not doing what i'm supposed to be doing...

Friday, October 29, 2004

Skinny Puppy Concert in Orlando

Well, I finally got to Skinny Puppy live! After missing the 1992 last rights tour, the last time I was aware they were in Orlando, I feared I would never get to see them. But alas, with their latest album "The greater wrong of the right" came a new tour. To say the least, I was not dissapointed. They seemed to have a great handle on what their fans wanted to hear and the concert was essentially the best of all their albums live.

They opened up with Downsizer off GWOTR. Ogre (or ohgr, whatever he's calling himself now) was nowhere in site, and singing off stage. Then they went into I'mmortal and ogre stomped onto stage in what appeared to be an Egyptian Jackal looking costume made out of gauze and burlap straps. It was a somewhat bloody color and was mostly full body. The mask was the coolest part of the costume, it had long pointy jackal like ears and a long snout that extended downward and past his neck far enough so he was able to fit a microphone underneath it. The mask was expressionless and mummylike. I wish I had some pictures of the costume, it was really interesting. The last new song was Pro-test.

SP then played some older stuff including VXGasAttack, Vivisectvi, hexxonexonex, Warlock, Tin omen etc... VXgasattack and hexxonexxonex in particular have always been very political songs, which you would think would have lost their relevance, however the new war in Iraq with the new President Bush has lent some new life to these songs. There was one theatric they did on stage, I think for hexonexxonex where two Al Qaeda like terrorists come on stage dressed in black with black masks. They act out a violent decapatation of ogre which ends with him limp on the ground. He then stands back up and unravels their turbans to reveal two guys in Bush and Cheyne outfits and they start shrugging and laughing at everyone. That went over real well with the crowd, it was quite humorous.

They did two encores one of which Convulsion off Too dark park and the other was The Choke. The Choke was missing most of its sound bites and wasn't really done that well. Most notably it was missing the delayed/repeated screaming thats present in the original version of the song. The good news is that a friend of mine who was at the Tampa show said the encores were different for his show, so they are making an attempt to mix it up at that level anyhow.

My favorite song live was probably Warlock. They had blue lights shining everywhere during the part which mentions them and the song was dead on. One of my favorite songs off the albums is vivisectvi, but the guitarist/bassist was an assclown and obviously didn't know the bassline for the song. During the real quiet times where they usually break out the bass lines the bass was silent or fudged. This was obviously because they had to hire a guitarist to tour with as Cevin was playing drums full time on this tour.

Overall a great experience I will never forget. I hope they continue to produce albums and tour, I would like to see them at least one more time. Afterall, I got the tatoo...


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