Life, the universe, and everquest.

or why i'm not doing what i'm supposed to be doing...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Swarming. WTF!

The first time I noticed this unique special effects coup de grace was in Starship troopers. I watched in awe as thousands of digitally cloned aliens raced against the martian landscape destroying all in their path. It made an otherwise boring movie almost tolerable. Apparently, this technique was such a success that it found its way into later movies such as The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and IRobot. Is it so hard to make a Kung Fu esch battle between Neo and Agent Smith interesting without cloning in an insurmountable amount of enemies? Was one or two robots no match for the mighty Will Smith? Would The Matrix Revolutions be any less interesting without 5,000 squid bots on screen at the same time? 500 years of harvesting the thoughts of humans and you can't build a fucking bomb?

And so, I'd like to coin the term swarming wherein through the magic of special effects, thousands of enemies are cloned as to create a seemingly insurmountable force.

swarming Oooooooh!

Give me a break. Stop the swarming.